•  An amendment to the constitution is a change or addition to the constitution
  • There are 27 amendments
  • The first 10 amendments are called the Bill of Rights
  • The last Amendment was passed in 1992
  • the 1st amendment gives us the right to free speech
  • the 19th amendment gives women the right to vote
  • the 13th amendment ended slavery
  • The 4th amendment prevents unreasonable searches and seizures of our property
  • the 6th amendment gives you the right to a lawyer, jury trial and speedy and public trial
  • the 5th amendment says you cant be tried twice for the same crime
  • the 8th amendment says you cant have cruel or unusual punishment
  • If i could make the 28th amendment to the constitution, it would be to not have to have a permit to sell things on the streets to make some cash!!!

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