• Our Constitution is considered a living constitution because it is flexible, and can be changed with times, and reflects the values of our Founding Fathers.
  • The 7 principles of the constitution are popular sovereignty, Republicanism, federalism, separation of powers, checks and balances, limited government, individual rights
  • The people give the government its power. this is called popular sovereignty
  • Republicanism is the belief that the people exercise their power by voting for their political representatives
  • Federalism is splitting the power between the federal and state governments
  • The framers of the constitution seperate the government into branches to balance the pwere.
  • The 3 branches of government are the Legislative Branch, the Executive Branch, and the Judicial Branch.
  • There are many checks and balances included in the constitution. This means that they check eachother's control and work and make sure they are on the right track and the power is balanced correctly.
  • Each branch of government checks the power of another branch when the government tries to pass a law. this is done so that the majority agrees with the law and it isnt unfair.
  • Our individual right are protected in the bill of rights of our constitution.
  • In my opinion, i think the Executive Branch has the most power because the president is in the Executive Branch and he is the leader of the country. He also is the one who changes the bills into laws.
  • E.C: If I had to eliminate one of the three branches of government i would eliminate the Judicial branch because they interpret the law. They don't make it or pass it.

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