• There are 435 members in the House of Representatives.
  • The number of representatives for each state is based on the state's population.
  • This number can be adjusted every 10 years after a new census is taken.
  • One state can't add a representative unless another state loses one.
  • Currently California has 53 members in the House of Representatives.
  • The least number of representatives a state can have is 1
  • The current representative for the 6th district is Lynn Woolsey
  • She has served 9 terms
  • The term for a member of the house is 2 years
  •  The three requirements toin the House ar that you must be atleast 25 years old, citizen of the U.S. for atleast 7 years, and live in the state they represent.
  • The leader of the House is the Speaker of the House.
  • The leader is picked from the majority party.
  • Currently the speaker is John Boehner and he is from the Republican party.
  • E.C: A positive about the fact that members of the Hous of Representatives must run for office every two years is that they can be reelected and if they are doing a bad job someone else can take their place. A negative is if they are in the middle of a long project they might not get reelected and be able to finish.


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