• Article 1 of the constitution deals with the legislative branch.
  • The job of the legilative branch is to make our country's laws
  • We need to have representatives in our system because not all Americans can meet in the same place at the same time
  • If the representatives don't carry out the will of the people they will be replaced at the next election
  • in order to pass alaw, a majority vote or, one over half, of each House must agree.
  • In the United States we call our Legislative Branch congress.
  • Britian has a Legislative Branch too, nut they call theirs parliament.
  • Our Legislative Branch has 2 houses. They are called the House of Representatives and the Senate
  • A term of Congress lasts for 2 years, and begins every odd year.
  • Congress meets in different chamners on opposite sides of the Capitol Building in Washington D.C.

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